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The Spoken Word

Here you can listen to a relevant and powerful Word from the Lord through Pastor Moragne:

Deuteronomy 1:6

"The reason why your stuff ain't working yet is because you haven't hit the reset button yet!"

Luke 13:10-13

"For every person there will be a problem. Even more importantly for every problem, God has a prescription."

Genesis 50:15-21

"I'm turning my lemons into lemonade!"

Matthew 27:22-28:20

"The crucifixion was Jesus' business. The resurrection was God's business!"

Numbers 13:30-33

"We've got to move from mediocrity to #EXCELLENCE!"



Jeremiah 12:5

"Greater the trial, greater the blessing! Greater the challenge, greater the victory!"










Proverbs 29:18

"Give up off your do nothing and visualize being more than you are right now."

Malachi 3:6-12

"Do you want a net blessing or a gross blessing?"

Isaiah 43:1-2

"You can't mold nothing easy; sometimes you got to put some pressure on it!"

Job 42:10-12

"This is my year this year. This is my year of restoration."

1 Samuel 30:6-10

"You've got to PURGE!"

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